Become a MBC

There is no cost to the troop to become a merit badge counselor.  This is a great way to help out with the troop without being a uniformed leader.   Please browse through the entire list of merit badges to see which ones you feel comfortable being a merit badge counselor for. In order to be a merit badge counselor for a particular merit badge, the topic must be either your vocation, hobby, or training.

Requirements to become a MBC.

1.)  Go to  Create an account if you don't already have one. Take Youth Protection Training (about one hour). Print out your certificate and place it with your application

2.)  Fill out an adult application for the BSA (hard-copy form available from the troop). Position Code 42 (Merit Badge Counselor). Give the application and your YPT certificate to Troop Leadership.   Please make sure you sign the section in regards to background checks. If you are already a registered scouter, you'll still need to fill out another application.

3.)  Fill out the MBC Information Form and give it to Troop Leadership.

4.)  Read through the Merit Badge Counselor Training Guide

5.)  Take the Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Course available at some MBUs as well as the Hawkeye Area Council. Let the Advancement Chair know when you have completed it so it can be recorded in Troopmaster.

6.)  Once you have received your BSA ID number, please go to and associate your BSA ID with your username.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...