When: November 6, 2021, 8:00am to 3:30pm
Where: Hawkeye Community College, Waterloo, Iowa
Who: Available to all registered members of Troop 2000
Needs: We will need at least two adults to carpool and spend the day with the scouts
Deadline: Must be signed up by October 27. No refunds after that date unless a scout takes your place.
Cost: $27 for the day for scouts (includes lunch). Adults are free to attend, but $7 if they would like a lunch.
Badges: Preview the badge schedule on the "program" tab of this page. Do not register on the event website, only register through our link at bottom of this page.... the Troop will register as a group. Eagle-required are noted in red on this schedule. There is no limit on the number of Eagle-required badges a scout can do this day. You should be in merit badge classes all day, so either sign up for an all-day class or two half-day classes. It is very important that we get our requests in quickly to get your first choice of classes.
Pre-requisites: Pre-reqs are listed on the link above. Scouts should have these completed BEFORE the day of the Merit Badge College, counselors will need proof of work completed outside of class: note from Scoutmaster or bring your projects. They will not take word that the prereqs have been done.
Registration: Once you have chosen which badge(s) you'd like to do, use this Troop sign-up to complete your registration. As a reminder, do not use the event registration tab in the link above... we'll do that as a Troop.