At the 4th of July Parade in Coralville, Iowa scouts have the opportunity to march at the front of the parade carrying the flags. Our troop, along with two others, are asking for Scouts to sign up and take part. We will need 4 or 5 to carry flags and the rest will switch out so one person doesn't have to carry a one flag the whole time. The scouts will be able to march with the flags to show good community spirit, the solidity of our Scout program, participation, and leadership. Each troop can carry their own troop flag as a part of this procession and the front of the Parade.
The Parade will be on Sunday, July 4th.
When: The Parade will start at 12:00 noon. Scouts must show up at around 10:30-ish
Where: McGregor Furtiture store (used to be) at 22nd just off Hwy 6.
Parade is two miles. Route is on Coralville website -
Wear your Class A uniform. You may wear scout shorts and/or hat.
Sign up link: