Saturday, September 26, 2020

October 16-18, Belgum Grove Campout

Update - Belgum Grove Camp Out pushed back one week!

Take 2 at an attempt for a social distanced camp out will be the weekend of October 16-18 October 23-25 at Belgum Grove (Bur Oak Land Trust). The main activities will be hiking, seed collection conservation opportunity, and a surprise activity on Saturday. Cost for the weekend is $30 for scouts and $10 for adults. Deadline to register is October 11 October 19th. 


Where: Belgum Grove (Bur Oak Land Trust), 3261 500th Street SW(F62), Iowa City, IA 52240 

Activities: Hiking, seed collection conservation opportunity, and a surprise activity on Saturday. 

When: October 23th - 25th. Drop off at Belgum Grove between 5-6pm on Friday. Eat dinner before you come, snacks available for Friday evening. 

What to bring: Be sure to bring face mask, a large water bottle, reusable cup if you want warm drinks, gear for cold weather, plenty of dry clothes, board games, cold weather camping gear. Please see our camping section for what to bring on a cold weather campout. 

COVID precautions: Scouts must occupy a tent on their own, or with someone from their household. Masks must be worn when 6’ social distancing is not possible. Hand sanitizer will be available and usage highly recommended. Council is not allowing carpooling at this time, Scouts will need to be dropped off/picked up from Belgum Grove. 

Cost: $30 per Scout, $10 per adult. Includes snacks, 3 meals on Saturday, and breakfast on Sunday. 

What we need: Adult volunteers. 

Deadline: Must be registered by October 19. No refunds after the deadline. 

Registration: To register, click on the following link

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...