Sunday, March 15, 2020

Online Resources

Face to face troop meetings have been suspended until further notice. 

But, just because we're practicing social distancing, it doesn't mean that scouts can't continue working on advancement and improving their skills.

Campcraft Skill Videos - Use these to study up on camping skills for early rank advancement.

Merit Badge Videos - These videos will allow you to prep for many MB requirements. You'll still need to review with a MB counselor. Also on this site is some info on Tenderfoot to First Class.

Outdoor Skills Videos - Several videos with good skills for scouts to know.

Central Florida Council - This online event is for any scout in the nation that wants to participate. They'll have different merit badges each week with some meeting multiple days. You'll want to keep an eye on it as newly posted classes fill up fast. Also, when you do sign up, you'll need to get Scoutmaster approval in advance of actually taking the class. Forward those to Trent.

Piedmont Council - They have several classes online you can sign up for. Several have no pre-requisites. I'm sure these will fill up too.

Lincoln Pilgrimage - Last spring, the troop went to the 74th annual Lincoln Pilgrimage in Springfield, Illinois. It was interesting to learn about Lincoln and participate in the big ceremony and parade. Well, there won't be a parade this year, but they put as much of it as they can online. I encourage scouts to check it out (virtual museum tours, scavenger hunt, etc).

Scoutmaster Bucky - I don't know much about this one. So, if anyone checks it out, be sure to let me know what you think. But, it does look like they have a lot of merit badges out there.

Palmetto Council

Michigan Crossroads Council

Spirit of Adventure Council

Chickasaw Council - You have to scroll down a little to get to the MB offerings.

Hawk Mountain Council

Narragansett Council

Great Rivers Council

National Capital Area Council

Suffolk County Council

Heart of America Council - This one has videos and workbooks to be completed, then you'll need to connect with a local MBC to complete the badge.

Blue Ridge Council

Lake Erie Council

Overland Trails Council

Alamo Area Council

Garden State Council

We've done a few things at the troop level using ZOOM to cover specific requirements and are looking for more ideas.

Let me know if you run across other resources -- Trent

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...