Sunday, February 2, 2020

Urban Trip 2020 - Minneapolis

The Troop 2000 April trip will be to Minneapolis, Minnesota. We'll be doing a variety of activities including Northern Star Scouting Basecamp, Mill City Museum, Whirlyball, Mall of America (Nickelodeon Universe), Science Museum of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Orphanage. Registration is open now.

Join Troop 2000 as they head off for an urban adventure in Minneapolis. After our evening meal at Best Steak House, we'll head to Northern Star Scouting Basecamp,  where you’ll enjoy program and spend the night.  
"Pack as much adventure as you can into a 12-hour visit to Base Camp! Lock-in programs begin at 8 p.m. and wrap up the following morning at 8 a.m. From 8:30 p.m.- 11:30 p.m., trained Base Camp Guides will lead awesome activities like rock climbing and archery. We'll take a break from the activities, halfway through the night, for a pizza party. After the activities end at 11:30pm, it's time for a movie on the big screen! Following the show, participants can go to bed or get the full experience by staying up all night!" That said, we'll need to be getting some sleep so we can function the rest of the weekend. 

After breakfast Saturday morning at Mickey's Diner, were on to the Mill City Museum. 

Following lunch, we're off to play Whirlyball

At about 5pm, we'll arrive at the Mall of America where everyone will do supper on their own and we'll have 3 hour bands for Nickelodeon Universe.

  That night we'll stay in a hotel with swimming Sunday morning before we leave. Our next stop is three hours at the Science Museum of Minnesota.
On the way home, we'll stop at the Minnesota State Orphanage for a tour
 before returning to Coralville at about 6pm.

Who:  Troop 2000 Scouts and incoming Webelos and parents/leaders

When:  April 3-5, 2020.  Departure for the trip will require getting out of school early for a noon departure from the McDonalds near Kohl's.

Cost:  $200 for scouts and $200 for adults. The cost includes all meals but Saturday night. No refunds after deadline unless a scout takes your place.

Deadline to Register: March 15th

What to Bring:   Bring clothes for a 2 night urban adventure. Bring a water bottle. Bring a rain coat.  Bring cash for snacks, Saturday night dinner, and souvenirs.

To Register:  Click on the link below

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...