Our Troop Ski Trip will be to Sundown Mountain on Monday January 20th (no school)
By going on a weekday we are able to get the best group deal on ski rentals and lift tickets. Families are welcome to attend.
$53.00 ski or snowboard rental, lift ticket, lesson, transportation, & evening pizza.
$36.00 lift ticket only, transportation, & evening pizza
$5 for helmet rental.
Travel: Meet at First Christian Church at 7:00 AM sharp.
We will leave Sundown around 5:30PM and deliver the boys/girls home early evening.
Registration: Deadline and Payment due by January 12th. We need 15 minimum to get the discount.
Lunch: Provide your own. Bring money for lunch and snacks at the lodge or bring a sack lunch.
Helmet: BSA Safety Policies state that all Scouts/Family members and Adults must wear a helmet while skiing or snowboarding.
Bring your own or rent one at Sundown for $5.
All participants will need to complete the BSA Healthform Parts A and B(not part C). This includes scouts/friends/venturers/ adults. If you are a troop member, you can enquire whether your health form is up-to-date or not.
You can download the healthform at http://www.scouting.org/ filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/ 680-001_philmont.pdf
Drivers: Adults are needed to drive. If you wish to stay in the lodge there is no charge.
If you wish to ski, register and pay just like the scouts. Drivers will be reimbursed for their fuel.
To Register: https://tinyurl.com/T2K-Ski2020