Sunday, September 1, 2019

November Eagle Cave Trip

We are going to Eagle Cave in Wisconsin from Nov 1st - 3rd. We will be sleeping in the cave. There are several activities and a game room. Meals are provided (we don't have to cook this time). The cost for this will be $78/youth and $68/adult. To be guaranteed a spot, you must sign up by August 25. If later than this, it will only be if there is still room (popular venue that books up by other groups).

If you were signed up to go this past January when the trip was canceled due to the extreme cold, you're already paid and will have first dibs. Those scouts are Tristan, Ethan S, Jacob S, Sean H, Nick M, Josh M, Zach, Ethan W, Spencer, Tony, Cole, Ben A, Caden A, Hans, Alex C, Olaf, Dillon, Simon S, and Trey along with adults George, Trent, Jenn C, Clark and Rob. People not on this list are welcome to sign up. On August 25th, we will see if anyone on the list is not able to go and fill those spots first. If there are more that want to go that what we already have spots purchased for, we will add them. After that date, it will depend on availability.

We will meet at the First Christian Church at 5pm on Nov 1st, please make sure you have eaten ahead of time. We should arrive there at 8:30pm. For more info on what Eagle Cave is like, please click the link below. 

To sign up, click the link below.

Space Camp

A few of our scouts have gone to  Space Camp in Hutchinson, KS for the last several Summers and have had a great time.  We would encourage a...